Time Disappearing Before Your Eyes

I had no idea how long it had been since my last post. I’m fairly certain nobody actually reads this anymore, you’ve all forgotten about me! I’ve been busy with uni (as usual blah blah) and I guess struggling a bit to fit everything in! But here are some recent drawings , some of which are on exhibition at the moment, along with some other illustrators from Bath School of Art. So if you live in the area, head down to the old AV Studio! It’s on 10 til 5 through to Saturday. 🙂

Follow The Eagle

Your Ribs Are Showing

(Please excuse awkward pose and manic glare… it’s my natural face)

I just wanted to show off a couple of new pieces that arrived the other week from Black Milk. This bodysuit is amazing, it fits perfectly and is very comfortable, which doesn’t happen very often with leotard-type things. It also doubles up as a swimming costume- a bonus as it will be fantastic for scaring small children at the local sports centre.

The suspender leggings: there aren’t many words to explain how awesome these are. They are made out of high quality sort of matte shiny (if that makes sense) leggings material, which makes them perhaps a little less slightly than sheer stockings. The top part where the stocking attach is like a pair of hotpants, instead of a belt. I’m sure people skinnier and shorter than me could get away with showing this bit off, bit I’m not sure the public’s ready to see my derrier just yet.

I’ve said this millions of times before, but I implore you.. buy Jame’s stuff! He’s a great guy with a wonderful blog, too.

A Trip To The Market

I took a little trip to the vintage fashion fair at the  Bath Fashion Museum over the weekend for a little time out from constant uni stressing. I had a very jolly time cooing over all the shiny 1920’s beading and beautiful lingerie.

Unfortunately these were the only two pictures I got away with taking before the camera police caught me.

The fair was quite small, and I think more specifically geared towards serous collectors. There was an impressive array of Edwardian and Victorian cottons, and I would of loved to of bought a piece, but the prices were a bit too steep for me. I did however snag  a beautiful  brooch with blue stones for £2.00, and my boyfriend bought me a cameo brooch for just £12.00. It’s really beautiful, and a lot larger than most that I’ve seen.

And the obligatory ‘what I wore photo:’

Look at the pretty horses! I found this blouse for £5.00 at Walcot vintage market. The AA skirt was stolen from my friend who was about to give it to charity, and the jolly quirky smiley shoes are from Topshop. I love them but the bells can be quite embarrassing whilst you’re walking!


I’m not really sure about outfit posts, is anyone interested in what I wear?! However, they are easy and sort of fun, once I get over the awkward bit of attempting to pose in some way that makes me look relaxed and notatall uncomfortable. I may have to resort to more of these over the coming weeks, until my dissertation is over with. What do you think? Good idea? Or a blogging bore?


Just a little doodle. Can’t seem to get it quite right. I’ve tried to finish it but there’s something about the outline that’s bothering me.  It’s a shame because I really would like to actually finish a drawing at some point!

The sketch feature Black Milk body suits. They are awesome.

More Doodles and Things

I’m doing a pretty light post today, as I’m in full dissertation writing mode, so here are some sketchbook pages from a recent project. I was doing a lot of reading about counter-culture at the time, so most of the images and the text are inspired by Futurist, Situationist and Dada manifestos.

No Discount Necessary

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you will have heard me talk about DI$COUNT before, but I thought it was definitely time for a re-visit.

These girls have ascended to a new level. Their recent work is incredible; time consuming, meticulous, original, and totally their own. 

Basically, I would do many bad things to get my hands on a piece of DI$COUNT, because these girls are headed for great things! Big things are happening. Their online, and offline shop is opening in March, and from what I’ve read, custom orders are coming in thick and fast.

What I really admire about them is their strength in remaining true to their aesthetic; something easier said than done when you’ve been through fashion school.

This is all sounding pretty kiss ass or whatever, but I couldn’t really care. I remember reading Nadia’s old blog ,Foxyman, before DI$COUNT existed, I thought her blog was awesome then, too. But Cami and Nadia together clearly make the perfect team.

Basically.. well fucking done.

All illustrations come from photographs owned by DI$COUNT.

Just Give It Time/ The Perils of Trying to Create an Illustrated Fashion Blog

Since beginning this blog, I’ve noticed just how quick bloggers are to post about things. Whether it be outfits, designers, news, anything. I mean, I always new bloggers were fast, but I mean they are really, really FAST.

I always intended to combine my love of fashion and illustration on my blog, in a hope to maybe bring something a bit new to the blogosphere (not as arrogant as it sounds!) I mean, I didn’t want to regurgitate information from other bloggers; I wanted to add something new. I know that whatever I blog, someone will have got there before me, so to some extent, it will always be imitation, but you know, it’s the highest form of flattery, and all.

Also, I don’t think there’s anything wrong in blogging something you’ve read about on another blog, as long as you credit the original author, and weigh in with your own opinion.

The problem with illustration is that it takes time. Luckily, that’s also one of the most rewarding things about it as well. But it does mean that whenever I discover something I want to blog about, and set about illustrating it, I find that everything I could possibly want to say about it has been covered by other (very fantastic) bloggers!

So I’ve decided to share my rough sketches, straight away,  instead of waiting to finish the final images. In a way, I think this is actually better; a blog is a fast publishing tool, which makes it the perfect medium for work in progress. Perhaps my Flickr, or a website (if I ever get one!) might be  more appropriate for final work .

I’m a little aprehensive about showing my roughs, because they are very, very rough. Believe me, I’m no wacom tablet wizard! Showing rough work also gives me the opportunity to explain a little about how I work; I usually print out the roughs, and trace them up neater, adding in more detail and using the original image as reference. Actually, I think that a lot of the time I tighten up way too much; I lose a lot of the freedom that I find when I’m scribbling away on the computer with my ancient old Wacom tablet. I’m hoping that getting my scribbles out there will somehow make me see that they are valid illustrations in their own right, and perhaps don’t need quite as much refinement as I think.

So FINALLY, this brings me to Kirsty Ward (For some reason the little link button isn’t working so it’s a copy and paste jobby I’m afraid.)

Queen Michelle, and Susie Bubble have both blogged about her designs this week ( see what I mean?!)

Susie Bubble has written a lot about the designer’s history etc, so I don’t feel there’s too much to add, all I will say is that Susie isn’t a fan of the drawn on eyebrows, but I LOVE them, they’re one of the things that drew me into the photographs originally.

Lots of lovely sheer, drapes, and pastels. All the ladylike things I wish I owned/wore, but for some reason, don’t. I think when you spend so much time around paint/ink/industrial pressure washers, or working in a grimy pub, beautiful delicate shapes and fabric are not what you consider wearing!

I think what doesn’t come across very well in these sketches is just how beautiful the jewellery is, I implore you to take a look at her website. Beautiful!!

3 am insomniac musings

Just goes to show, if you draw at 3 am, it comes out poop. Also, I think I’m cracking under the pressure of uni work work work. Blogging awful scribbles at 3am from my Blackberry? In the dark?!! Insanity!

Leather Lover

This lady and her wares have been around the Blogosphere a million times, and I have admired her from afar for some time now, but being new to blogging and all and just getting into the swing of things perhaps its taken me a bit too long to write about her.

Just a quickity quick drawing. I tired to emphasise the harness by leaving most of the shirt plain, but I would like to work on it a bit more. Anyway, this post isn’t about my drawing, it’s about a lady called  Zana Bayne. She makes beutiful leather things, I can imagine wearing her harnesses with long sheer skirts and shirts, or over band tshirts and jeans. I’m especially drawn to the skinny strapped one, and I’ve started saving for it, one day soon it will be mine! I’d especially like to get my hands on one before a photoshoot I’m styling next month (more about that later- I’m excited!!)

She also runs a blog, Garbage Dress, which gives an insight into how she works. Clearly a lot of time and love goes into each item. Also, she’s got wicked style.

If you want to read a bit more about her thought processes, there are some great articles here, and here .

I believe she’s offering 10% off through January on her online shop, so if you’re after anything, now is the time! Go shop here.